CASCADE Conferences Home

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CASCADE 2025 will be held in Saint-Etienne, FR, on April 2 to 4, 2025.

CASCADE is a new conference and the merge of COSADE and CARDIS. Its main goal is to encourage research and exchange on cryptographic implementations and embedded security challenges. It welcomes contributions from academia and industry. CASCADE encourages in particular submissions by European PhD students willing to present their work while benefiting from:

Papers can be submitted for review on two dates (one in the summer, one in the winter) for a single event in April.

The first conference will be organized by Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne France and it will be held at Telecom Saint-Etienne.

The program committee is seeking original papers on all aspects of physical security. You are invited to participate and submit your contribution to CASCADE'25. More details on Call For Papers page.

Important dates

Summer Submission

Winter Submission

Conference dates

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